Fantasy Mosaics 31: First Date

Fantasy Mosaics 31: First Date is the next chapter in the exciting and gorgeous Fantasy Mosaics series and it does not disappoint. Sit back and relax as you join Harry and Penny on their first date through a magical land filled with relaxing music and beautiful scenery. 

Fantasy Mosaics 31: First Date is exactly what you need after a tiring day of doing all the things. Mosaic games offer a nice break from all the murder and mystery that abound in the dominating hidden object games because... sometimes, you'd just like to come home and paint something pretty instead of chasing werewolves or sifting through dead bodies to find a psychotic killer. 

Fantasy Mosaics 31 is a gorgeous as its predecessors and just as relaxing. The soft music will lull you into a safe place while the engaging gameplay will entice you to stay in this fantasy land for hours at a time. 

Fantasy Mosaics 31 First Date

This is a great game to play by yourself or to play with your kids and grandchildren as it offers challenging yet extremely rewarding and beautiful to play. If you've never played a Mosaic game, then you're in for a treat. It's a combination of coloring and sudoku like play where you have to use the numbers alongside the gameboard to puzzle out where the colorful blocks go. 

Why not give it a try yourself? Fantasy Mosaics 31 First Date is available to demo for an hour for free, so you can see if it's for you. Simply click on the "Install" button above to try it out!