Hidden Magic Review

Oh magical fairy dust… won’t you please send me some kind of magical being, preferable someone who is an expert on British Literature, who will write my 20 page paper that’s due next week… thanks, Morgan.

Oh magical fairy dust… won’t you please send me some kind of magical being, preferable someone who is an expert on British Literature, who will write my 20 page paper that’s due next week… thanks, Morgan. Well, that’s taken care of so I figured while I’m waiting for my paper to be written I’ll play a game or two. Hmmmm what to play… well how about a little Hidden Magic? A dark and sinister force? Evil kidnappers? Sure, why not! I need to sharpen my hidden object game skills anyhow. Ok, so here we go. My beloved has been kidnapped by goblins and it’s up to me to save him… cool I love trying to rescue the helpless male in the story. I am an alchemist and I need to gather ingredients to cast my spells. Interesting… First level was pretty much like any other hidden object game. I squinted and found all the tiny pieces that I could… may have used a hint or two… just to see how it worked of course. But the next level had a surprise for me. I was in a battle sequence! I had to fight a monster with my magic! However, in order to cast my spells, I needed to collect items to put in my cauldron. You have a choice of three spells, and each one has a list of ingredients. You have to quickly find the ingredients for the spell and then cast it on the monster. Keep this up until the baddie is dead and then keep on trucking through the forest! Levels switch between finding spells in magical places with normal hidden object scenes to these battles, which I have to say are super fun, although I was playing on easy and the attack meter of the monster goes slowly… plus I can’t die. The normal mode is a lot more challenging, however, I like to take things a little easier… I have enough stress in my life thank you very much. So overall… yes, this was a fun and entertaining evening… much better than writing a paper… speaking of… I wonder if that’s done yet? I’m going to go grab a slice of pizza and check it out.