Rovio Releases The Croods Game

Creators of the famous Angry Birds games have teamed up with Dreamworks to release The Croods, based on the new animated film coming soon to a theater near you. Players hunt and gather food and tame strange, but adorable, creatures who will help you stay alive as you progress through the Stone Age.

In honor of the upcoming new animated film The Croods from Dreamworks, the company has partnered with gaming expert Rovio to create a darling new game that's a cross between Farmville and Pokemon.

Available on iOS, the game features up to 10 adorable Stone Age creatures that you must tame and put to work in your family's village. Much like Farmville, tasks are on a timed basis, some taking hours or even days to accomplish. You must gather/farm food from your land and your pets, create crazy inventions with Grug, and decorate your village with some pretty snazzy Stone Age decor.

The Croods is a free app that can be downloaded from the App Store. Of course, that doesn't mean it's without a price as the game features in-game purchases that can speed up your tasks or purchase additional items for your village. You'll also need a network connection to play.

The Croods is currently holding a 4 Star Rating on the App Store, although some have complained that it "Consumes too much battery" since you have to stay online while playing. So keep that in mind if you're playing without a charger near by.

Will The Croods stay on top of the download list? Or will it become extinct just like the rest of the Stone Age? Let us know your thoughts below!