Wedding Dash: Ready, Aim, Love Review

Ahhh…If it were only this easy to make someone fall in love with you… then maybe cupid could do me a favor and hit hottie Mark for me right in the kisser with one of his arrows. Sigh. Too bad I’m covered in mayo and mustard at the deli every time he sees me. Anyhow, enough of my sorrows and back to the game!

Ahhh…If it were only this easy to make someone fall in love with you… then maybe cupid could do me a favor and hit hottie Mark for me right in the kisser with one of his arrows. Sigh. Too bad I’m covered in mayo and mustard at the deli every time he sees me. Anyhow, enough of my sorrows and back to the game! Wedding Dash is pretty cool! If you’ve ever thought about being a wedding planner, then this is the game for you! First, the story. Apparently the girl in this story has guy problems of her own to deal with but she’s hoping he proposes to her soon since she’s already paid and booked the wedding! Talk about optimism, maybe I should give that a try! LOL! So she makes a deal with cupid to help him fill his quota of weddings before the end of the year and he agrees to shoot her guy with an arrow and make him propose! With that said, we go to work planning lots of weddings. We meet the couple, see what they like and buy their decorations, cake, and food, staying under budget of course and figuring out what items they would like. Once that is done, it’s off to the wedding where we seat guests according to where they want to sit and who they want to sit by. This is harder than it sounds! I had a hard time making expert after just a few rounds because Uncle Joe didn’t want to sit next to Aunt Rose and her darn puppy… that’s right… puppy. Who brings a dog to a wedding?? Anyhow… As you run around serving guests and averting disasters, like falling presents and missing dogs, you gain points for how fast you accomplish your tasks and if you please the guests with the seating arrangements. Oh, and there’s also a flirting bonus if you set up the right people at the cocktail table. You gain love tokens for how well you do and can upgrade later in the game. I suggest getting cupid’s adorable little cousins to help serve the guests first. Also, speed is of the essence so when you can, make yourself faster! Overall, great time management game with fun new twists in the play! Too bad cupid’s booked for the rest of the year, cause this could be a long and boring summer for me.