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does anyone knows how to get a mult...

does anyone knows how to get a multiflora? any kinds of it will do.

By blue
You can either mutate plants, find seed in the supplies, or breed a Ridge Ball with a Weeper or Pitcher.
By to make a multiflora
Many ways, but: (any flower!)
... (if you already have one)
multiflora+multiflora (if you already have one)
self pollinate a multiflora
or vise-versa
By multiflora
I dunno where i got lemonbush!
By kiki
the lemonbush can be made from a maple and maranta and i dont't know how to get a muliflora or a ridgball thats what i wanna know
These are our legacy forums. Please go to the game walkthrough and scroll to the bottom for our new forums.